And The Hater (previously PauseAction) attempted to LP it back in 2008 before that LP was eaten by both Viddler and GameVee. Just as before, I would also like to pay tribute to my predecessors in the realm of “LPing Ace Combat 5”: AC LP thread regular and lovable forums gadfly bunnyofdoom attempted to LP it back in 2010 before it was eaten by Viddler. Much like the previous LPs I helped create with my partner in LP Crime Blind Sally, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, and Killzone/ Killzone: Liberation/ Killzone 2/ Killzone 3, this LP will also be an in-depth look at the fictional history, politics, setting, and characters of Ace Combat’s Strangereal shared universe as told over the course of multiple games and done in in-universe chronological order. This is the fourth entry in our larger look at the Ace Combat series’ Strangereal-based games. AKA: Donald Trump’s America Simulator 2017 – Let’s Play Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War